WTK S1:E1 “To Millions of Americans: Why Should You Know About Ellis Island?”

(Chapter 3 page 35 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)

Listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry interview General Grant!

Intro by We The Kid Liberty Player Daniel with American Minute Bill Federer!


1. What is Ellis Island?

2. Where is it? Can you go there today?

3. Why is it significant?

4. Most immigrants could only afford passage to America in the steerage section of a ship. Where was the steerage section and why was it called that?

5. How long was a typical voyage to America by ship?

6. What kinds of food was typically served and eaten on the voyage?

7. What percentage of immigrants were declined entrance to America and sent back to their native land.

8. What was the general reason they were denied entrance?

9. Why did millions of immigrants come to America?

10. Why were they willing to leave everything behind to come to America?

11. Why do thousands of immigrants still come to America every year?

WE THE KIDS CA The Patriot Flag II. WORLD MEMORIALHello, America Patriots!
Forgotten American StoriesWTK S1:E2 "Your Forgotten Story:  Why Did YOUR Ancestors Come to America?"

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