WE THE KIDS Message to Veterans!

One Nation Under God


Dear American Veterans,

You did your part in WWll, Korea, Vietnam Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan, now help US fight to save what you fought for…Liberty! The very thing you fought for, we are fighting for right here at home.

For Freedom!

We The Kids Moms


WE THE KIDS Message to Veterans!

Are you a veteran? Did you serve in the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard? Send a message to America’s kids and tell them why they still live in the Greatest Nation in the World: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
WTK has started a ticker on www.WeTheKids.us for your 1-2 sentence message directed to our kids. Please include your name, State, branch of service, rank, and dates/years of service and comment.

God Bless America.. still. Add your comments at WE THE KIDS MOMS!


WE THE KIDS is a Christian, Constiutional, Educational organization.

We The KidsThe mission of We the Kids (WTK) is to reach, educate and inspire America’s youth with patriotic and positive messages that encourage kids to become “Hooked on Historyâ€; to be proud of America, to engage in its government and become civic leaders.

The goal of WTK is to bring the Constitution and American History to life for our children … through our children!



Helen KellerAmerican Minute with Bill Federer Helen Keller "Self-pity is our worst enemy ..."
capturedAmerican Minute with Bill Federer "AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN" - The birth of the U.S. Navy & Coast Guard

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