Our Interview with Mayor Pete Buttigieg South Bend, IN



WTK “Bringing The Constitution and American history back to life for our children through our children.”




Questions for November 19th Interview with our Mayor Buttigieg

WTK Interview with Mayor Peter Buttigieg November 19, 2014

Season’s Greetings and Welcome to We The Kids. My name is Maryann…… Today, we have a very special guest. Back on October 5th 2012, We The Kids met with newly elected South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg … asking questions of him from what “is your favorite dessert to your views on gun control.”

We have selected students from the surrounding area who will take turns sharing with us; what interests they have before asking questions of South Bend Mayor and Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade, Peter Butigieg, Mayor Buttigieg has just recently returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Before we begin though, we wish to thank Mayor Pete for his service to his community and for his service to our Country.

We have selected students from the surrounding area who will take turns sharing with us; what interests they have before asking questions of South Bend Mayor and Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade, Peter Butigieg, who has just recently returned from his tour of duty in Afghanistan. Before we begin though, we wish to thank Mayor Pete for his service to his community and for his service to our Country.    We will start our first question with Jacob.

1) Jacob:
I am in the second grade at Jimtown Elementary and I want to know what school did you attend when you were in the second grade?

2) Angela:
I’m Angela, I am in the 3rd grade and I am home schooled by my mom, Melody. My question is “When you were my age did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?”

3) Joanna:
My name is Joanna. I am in the 5th grade. My sister, Maryann and I like music and singing. I want to know… do you like to sing and what kind of music do you like?

4) David:
I am David, I am home schooled along with my sisters, Maryann, Angela and Joanna. I am in the 8th grade. I am interested in building Lego Robotics and want to one day design them. My question to you is ” what were you interested in at my age ?”

5) Kaylee:
My name is Kaylee and I attend Jimtown Junior High where I am in the 7th grade. I want to go to medical school to become a doctor. We know that you graduated from St. Joseph High School and continued your education at Harvard and Oxford. What were your studies while in college?


Hi, my name is Wyatt and I am 10 years old and homeschooled by my mom, Carole and I am in the 5th grade. I am glad you returned safely from Afghanistan. From what I hear in the news, Afghanistan is a very dangerous place for our military men and women to be deployed. Were you scared to be there?

7) Gabby:
Hello. I am Gabby, I am 13. I am in the 7th grade and I am home schooled by both of my parents. I love animals and I like to read. Being in public office and being in the military at the same time must be difficult. How do you separate the two?

8) James:
I am James. I’m a 6th grader at Schmucker School. I like to write and someday I would like to be a journalist. First, welcome back. My question is, “what did you learn in Afghanistan that might help you to be a better person and a better officer in the Navy Reserves?”

9) Charlie:
My name is Charlie. I am in the 8th grade at Jimtown Junior High. Like James, I like to write and I want be an author. One day, I would like to publish some of the stories I have already written. My question is: “were you in the R.O.T.C. program in high school before you joined the Navy Reserves and how long did it take you to achieve the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade? ”

10) Nathaniel:
My name is Nathaniel, I am in the 8th grade and homeschooled by my mom Joanna. Ever since I was little, I have had chores to do around our house. Can you tell us what your daily duties were as a Navy commissioned officer while stationed in Afghanistan?

11) Nichole:
I am 16 and in the 10th grade. I attend school at Penn Harris. I want to go to Ohio State and study political science. One of my most favorite gifts is a picture my mom gave me of President Ronald Regan. First, you are here as the Mayor of South Bend, then you are sent overseas then back again. I would like to know how difficult was it to adjust to being home after your return from Afghanistan?

12) Kendra:
My name is Kendra. I am also home schooled by my mom, Melissa. I am in the 10th grade. Over two hundred years ago our Constitution was written….I would like to know: How does the Constitution and its Amendments relate with your responsibility as the Mayor of South Bend and with your responsibility as a Navy officer?

13)Erica:                                                                                                                                                                     Hi, my name is Erica, I am in the 7th grade and 13 years old, and homeschooled by my mom, Carole. Please discuss your thoughts on the first Amendment and especially the second Amendment as I am  in 4-H where I participate with firearms as a shooting sports project.

14) Devin:
I am Devin. I am in the 8th grade and I am home-schooled. I am involved with the youth group in my church. I want to be a neurological surgeon when I grow up. After the Constitution was written, the Bill of Rights were added to protect the citizens of our great nation….. Please tell us your views about why our Founding Fathers felt it was necessary to protect our rights.

15) Kate:
I’m Kate. I am Gabby’s sister. I’m 15 and in the 9th grade and have been a reporter for WE THE Kids for over 3 years. I have interests in both science and history and want to be a journalist. My question is how relevant is the Constitution today and what message would you like to send to America’s kids? Thank you Mayor Pete.

Mayor Buttigieg has to leave to attend another meeting.


We The Kids wish to thank Mayor Pete and all the kids who participated here today. We the Kids believes that one way to teach kids about our government and our American History, is by participating with projects such as this and by asking questions. For more information about us please go to www.wethekids.us


Nichole, will read the first portion of the song “God Bless America” written by Irvin Berlin and first sung in 1938:

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to the land that’s free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in solemn prayer.

Kids directed to sing by Kate:

Everyone sings –
God bless America, land that I love
Stand behind her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains, to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America My home sweet home.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas,

We Wish You a Merry Christmas,

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year!

christmasglitter3Happy New Year!

Featured image1LT. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin interview with WTK Tyler
Julietter Turner July 4th picWTK4Teens interview Author Juliette Turner (16)

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  1. We The Kids December 1, 2014 at 8:50 PM - Reply

    November 19, 2014-Mayor Pete Buttegieg Interview
    After a chance encounter with Judy Lane- Frazier, We The Kids, Inc. visionary, I was pleased to be invited to attend a special WNIT taping of an interview with South Bend, IN, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Students from 2nd Grade to 9th Grade individually asked the Mayor a series of 15 questions. Students were from the home-school environment and public schools. Questions ranged from Mayor Buttigieg’s favorite music to questions about the US Constitution & Bill of Rights.
    The program was both entertaining and inspirational. The kids opened the program with the Pledge of Allegiance. Included in the Pledge were the words “under God” as provided for by President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950’s. The kids stimulated some thinking. These days it seems less and less important to have God in the conversation when talking about the founding principles of our country. With emphasis on limited government and individual freedom our country was truly blessed by God. We grew to become the most prosperous and powerful nation on earth. It is disturbing these days to realize how far we have strayed from God being included in the conversation.
    These young students’ awareness of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Amendments, etc., was moving. Clearly, our last best chance to stop the decline of our country is to reinvigorate the next generation with a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding. To this end, We The Kids, Inc. was founded.
    The students closed the program with stirring renditions of God Bless America and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. All attendees left with smiles on their faces.

    Gene Eggleston
    40 year retired teacher/coach

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