Ulysses S. Grant: Union General & 18th President “Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties”
Categories: WTK History Lessons║Published On: April 27th, 2020║Tags: 15th Amendment, Abraham Lincoln, Battle of Vicksburg, Civil War, Indian Affairs, Industrial Revolution, Ku Klux Klan Act, Memoirs of the Civil War, Mexican-American War, President Grant, Reconstruction Era, Robber Barons, Ulysses S. Grant, Union General, West Point║Views: 3734║3106 words║
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When I was in high school, I remember my history teacher lecturing in a way that caused me to think of Anne Boleyn as a living woman, then making her death so tragic and real. When I started reading Ulysses S.Grant: Union General and 18th President on wethekids.us website, I had that same interest in him, a living man that loved, fought, rose in the ranks, important in his role as leader for President Lincoln’s vision. I’m so glad that there are people today who value our American History