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Our Founding Fathers greatly feared a democracy by Marc Urbach
Our Founding Fathers greatly feared a democracy and their quotes and private writings prove this. Also, we have our Constitution in which Article IV., Section 4. states, “The United States shall guarantee to […]
Crow Govt Erects Sign Proclaiming ‘Jesus is Lord’ on Reservation
The Crow government wants the world to know the name of its God
The Making of The USA Constitution by Minh-Vien Scout BSA Troop 881 Springfield, VA
The Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer – By Daniel Sheridan
The U.S. Constitution reads, “The Congress shall have power…to promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right […]
Ideas Change The World, by Daniel Sheridan
Ideas Change The World, by Daniel Sheridan
Wars usually make the news, and war movies dominate cinema. That’s because they are […]
The Road To Glory In A Patriot Army: Virtue, by Daniel Sheridan
OTD# August 7, 1782, the Commander of the Continental Army, George Washington, to honor virtuous soldiers, creates the Purple Heart medal (Badge of Military Merit).
“The General ever desirous to […]
First of all, understood! You are “Preaching to The Choir” for lack of a better way to put it. I’ve been aware of this issue for 20 years and most people don’t know it exists, don’t understand the Constitution and don’t CARE! The Now “Radical Left” has been engaging in History Revisionism for Years!
I am 73 years old and struggling to survive working in retail for a pittance! Living in my Daughter’s Basement in a house I helped purchase ten years ago when I still had money! I thought my money would see me through retirement…IT DIDN’T!
The market crash of 2008 almost wiped me out! Unfortunately I have no money to contribute. Liberals They hate Trump, Conservatism and are thoroughly Brain Washed & In Endocramented in Liberal Ideology! You can not change that! It began when they were in college and has grown expedentially ever since!
Unless Conservatives, Republicans, ( forget the one’s in Congress), they are afraid of the “Main Stream Media” digging up the skeletons in their closet’s and are MOOT! Unless there is a Nation Wide United effort on the part of “So-called” Patriots ready to FIGHT, MARCH on D.C., Protest like the Left does, get up off theft Butts and ACT…I’m afraid it’s going to take a Civil War, Revolution, Ejecting the current Congress, both sides and VOTING IN OUR PEOPLE to clean house in Government and ESPECIALLY Academia…It’s Over! I’m here and I have posted and written till I’m “Blue In The Face” even on Dave Bray’s Fan Page…all I get are likes, comments and static from the Left and ANTIFA threatening to ill us all! I ranted & raved and no one DOES ANYTHING BUT TALK! Social Media & Technology are destroying America and playing right into George Soros, Hillary and Obama’s hands!
All our Leaders including Trump KNOW about “The Deep State” & “The Shadow Government”! They know Hillary is guilty of TREASON…SO WHAT!! !!
As long as this Media is in power we can’t get our message to the people and it may be to late! I’ve suggested a Million Man March on Washington to FIGHT THE LEFT! Call down Pelosi & The Democrats, SCREAM about the Issues! Again NO ONE DOES ANYTHING!
Even if the Truth be proclaimed & put out their…The MAIN STREAM MEDIA will DENY it! Twist it! IGNORE IT! As Eldridge Cleaver once wrote in his seething book back in the 60’s Either “YOU ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION…OR YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! I rest my case! I Love Dave Bray , he is a good man, good friend and a Brother…BUT writing & singing songs about The Military, First Responders etc. iIS NOT GING TO CHANGE ANYTHING!
Either WE Act or get off the stage! Thank you for Trying & GOOD LUCK!
“Either WE Act or get off the stage”. Well said Robert. We need to each influence those people within our own circle of influence and educate them.