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“Squanto … was a special instrument sent of God…
American Minute with Bill Federer
Celebrate Columbus Day all of October!
Reprinted with permission from the WallBuilders - Haley
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American Minute with Bill Federer
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American Minute with Bill Federer
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American Minute with Bill Federer
Constitution Day “A Republic, If You Can Keep It!”
American Minute with Bill Federer
Dear Kids,
I am a grandpa and military veteran. Millions of service members fought and thousands died to protect the U.S. Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is powerful. The right to vote is so important. Unfortunately only about 50% of …Americans take the time to exercise this cherished right.
You kids can be the generation to turn it around.
Best to all of you. Have a great summer.
Remember to eat the right foods and exercise daily.
Your Friend
Grandpa P.J. United States Air Force