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WTK WE THE KIDS TEENS – Give Kids Voice to Patriotism
Sarina Williams is a candidate for Indiana’s 7th District State Representative in South Bend.
‘We The Kids’ show 2nd PAB Award Recognizes Children as Future Patriots
By Kevin Fobbs
It makes America’s ‘We The Kids’ (WTK) 2nd Broadcasters Award timely. Like the Ukraine parents and children need voices, so do America’s […]
America’s First Constitution – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, March 1, 1781, the Continental Congress adopted America’s first Constitution – The Articles of Confederation. Our experiences under these articles were necessary, inspiring the creation of a “more […]
While we pray for Ukraine, we can be grateful for an important date in American history.
Let’s appreciate our liberties and our Constitution. Here’s why today is important.
The Fifteenth Amendment and The Voting Rights Act – By Daniel W. Sheridan
OTD, February 26, […]
Dear Kids,
I am a grandpa and military veteran. Millions of service members fought and thousands died to protect the U.S. Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is powerful. The right to vote is so important. Unfortunately only about 50% of …Americans take the time to exercise this cherished right.
You kids can be the generation to turn it around.
Best to all of you. Have a great summer.
Remember to eat the right foods and exercise daily.
Your Friend
Grandpa P.J. United States Air Force