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“Squanto … was a special instrument sent of God…
American Minute with Bill Federer
Celebrate Columbus Day all of October!
Reprinted with permission from the WallBuilders - Haley
When Youth Were Patriots: 21-year-old Nathan Hale…
American Minute with Bill Federer
George Whitefield & the Great Awakening Revival
American Minute with Bill Federer
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American Minute with Bill Federer
Constitution Day “A Republic, If You Can Keep It!”
American Minute with Bill Federer
This is commendable! Well done and thank you for your many years of public service.
Wow! That’s so touching and impressive that Chief Morningstar was recognized with such appreciation by our Commander in Chief! Makes me feel more confidence knowing POTUS has such respect for our first responders. America bless God and God bless America!
Thank you so much for your service. Nice to see you get some well deserved recognition!!
Thank you for your service and keeping our cities and towns safe.
Lovely! Quite a change from the cultural elites – our President *could be that but chooses not to.Thank you for your service. We average folk truly appreciate you! Stay safe out there. Clarks in NH
Chief Morningstar,
What a wonderful honor and thank you for your service. It is indeed a blessing to have you doing such necessary work and I am very proud.
Kevin Fobbs
Chairman of the Board
American Christian Civil Rights Movement