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June 23rd, 1888, the first African American is nominated for President by Dan Sheridan
OTD# June 23rd, 1888, at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, the first African American is nominated for President. Who was he? The story is here:
A Christian Inventor Makes Food Cheaper, Saves Labor, and Donates to Charity by Dan Sheridan
#OTD, June 21, 1834, Cyrus McCormick, a Christian, inventor, and businessman, patents his reaper. He made a fortune, much of it going to charity. His machine saved labor, made food cheaper for everyone, […]
Marc and daughter, Rachel Urbach invite you and your family to partner with We The Kids and take the Pledge challenge
We The Kids invites you and your family to partner with We The Kids and take the We […]
The Benevolent Lawgiver Who Made Religious Freedom The Basis Of The State – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, June 20, 1632, one of the wisest and benevolent lawgivers of all ages is given rights to land near the Chesapeake Bay; then, one […]
The Founding Fathers’ Happy Father’s Day – by Marc Urbach
Published by Teacher and Author Marc Urbach
Just a bunch of young to middle-aged, Christian men changed the world forever.  The Founding Fathers
Happy Father’s Day!
Why and […]
Happy #FlagDay! Do you know the story behind the flag? By Daniel Sheridan
The Story of the First Stars and Stripes – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress authorized the “stars and stripes†flag for […]
This is commendable! Well done and thank you for your many years of public service.
Wow! That’s so touching and impressive that Chief Morningstar was recognized with such appreciation by our Commander in Chief! Makes me feel more confidence knowing POTUS has such respect for our first responders. America bless God and God bless America!
Thank you so much for your service. Nice to see you get some well deserved recognition!!
Thank you for your service and keeping our cities and towns safe.
Lovely! Quite a change from the cultural elites – our President *could be that but chooses not to.Thank you for your service. We average folk truly appreciate you! Stay safe out there. Clarks in NH
Chief Morningstar,
What a wonderful honor and thank you for your service. It is indeed a blessing to have you doing such necessary work and I am very proud.
Kevin Fobbs
Chairman of the Board
American Christian Civil Rights Movement