Navajo Pastors, Ministry workers of other tribes, Native American friends, and other friends in support of Native Americans came out to the Opening of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. The group was from all over America with most of the Pastors coming from the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. Pastor Pete Belon from Gallup/Smith Lake New Mexico was instrumental in bringing the group together. Pastor Belon has the Smith Lake School Cornerstone Ministry, Smith Lake, New Mexico, on the Navajo Reservation.
The date was 5/24/2014. The day before the group spent the day in Washington, DC praying for return of American values at the Supreme Court, National Capital Building (Congress), the White House, and the Lincoln Memorial.
In attendance with us showing support from the Biker Nation was Bill (Top Fuel Bill 9/11 Ride Williamson) Cecilia Williamson, daughter Sierra Williamson and friend.…
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The purpose of being at the 9/11 Memorial was to not only pray for the healing of our nation, but also to pray at St. Paul’s Chapel. The significance of praying at the Chapel is that it was where General George Washington had his personal pew and work area. It was there that he declared and documented America to be a Christian nation!!!
Interestingly enough all of the buildings around St. Paul’s Chapel were damaged by the fall of the twin towers and St. Paul’s was not damaged!!! The Navajo and other Native American Christians would not leave the 9/11 Memorial without praying at the original seat of power of America and the place where the declaration was made that our country is a Christian Nation!!!
#OTD, March 1, 1781, the Continental Congress adopted America’s first Constitution – The Articles of Confederation. Our experiences under these articles were necessary, inspiring the creation of a “more […]
Let’s appreciate our liberties and our Constitution. Here’s why today is important. The Fifteenth Amendment and The Voting Rights Act – By Daniel W. Sheridan