I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord – Recording by Susan Loch Fox Radio PA
 Bringing The Constitution and American history back to life for our children through our children.
Susan Loch, owner of WFYL 1180 Fox Radio PA https://www.1180wfyl.com/
I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
Scripture: Psalm 26:8; 137:5-6
1. I love thy kingdom, Lord,
the house of thine abode,
the church our blest Redeemer saved
with his own precious blood.
2. I love thy church, O God!
Her walls before thee stand
dear as the apple of thine eye,
and graven on thy hand.
3. For her my tears shall fall,
for her my prayers ascend,
to her my cares and toils be given,
till toils and cares shall end.
4. Beyond my highest joy
I prize her heavenly ways,
her sweet communion, solemn vows,
her hymns of love and praise.
5. Sure as thy truth shall last,
to Zion shall be given
the brightest glories earth can yield,
and brighter bliss of heaven.
Timothy Dwight
Written By:
- The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
For more information go to Britannica Online Encylopedia Â
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Great article!
A truly American story woven with facts and acknowledgement of our early American citizens’ and Founding Fathers’ belief in and reverence for our one and only God. I’m so thankful to know that our real and true history is still being written and taught. Don’t let your kids miss out!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of Dwight’s life, his love and commitment to the building of our Lord’s Kingdom in the midst of the pressures of his day. We are to go and do likewise. Susan, your prayers for revival will be answered and we will see the Glory of the Lord poured out in this season. The enduring faith seen in Jonathan Edwards, his grandson Timothy, other men and women throughout His-story, is the cornerstone of this next Great Awakening! . Thank you again and many Blessings on WTK!