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Jacob Announced Winner of “What Patriotism Means To Me” Essay Contest
Essay winner
What child would want to write an essay when it’s summertime? Someone who wants to win a pool party! That’s exactly what 11-year old Jacob did! With the encouragement of his grandmother, Jacob decided […]
John Lyons “America’s Most Trusted Horseman”
Written by WTK Reporter, Hannah M, Age 15.
I got the privilege to talk to Mr. John Lyons through a phone interview. I learned […]
Mr. Mourdock OUR PRIVATE Backstage
Interview by WTK reporter Kate age 12.
Mr. Mourdock OUR PRIVATE Backstage INTERVIEW WITH The Man running for U.S. Senator
Politics is a complex subject. And […]
Mara’s essay “Young America Takes a Stand: The War of 1812”. Mara’s narrative and descriptive essay made her the National First Place Winner of the Eighth grade American History contest […]
C.W. “buddy” Kalb and Chief “unknown” story?
Written by Hannah M. Age 14 July 10, 2012
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