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On this day, August 2, 1923, the first President elected… By Daniel Sheridan
The First U.S. Patent – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, July 31, 1790, the very first American patent, which George Washington signed, was issued to Samuel Hopkins for a process of making potash, an ingredient used in fertilizer.
Abraham […]
Today is the Birthday of America’s Free Institutions!
#OTD, July 30, 1619, the first legislative body chosen by the people met in Virginia, which marks the birthday of America’s free institutions.
Posted by Daniel Sheridan
Building America and Expanding Narrow Minds with Iron Rails – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, June 9, 1781, a man was born whose world-changing invention built America.
In the 1830s, the world began progressing technologically at unprecedented levels through the […]
General Orders, 9 July 1776…Head Quarters, New York…by Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, July 9, 1776, General George Washington orders that the Declaration of Independence is to be read to the troops.
General Orders, 9 July 1776…Head Quarters, New York…
The Freedom of the Press – By Daniel Sheridan
#OTD, July 8, 1889, the “Wall Street Journal” begins publishing.
“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…”
By the time I reached the age of 15 I was so proud to be an American; yes we were poor, I grew up that way, yet I was so proud to be an American. We were the most honored nation in the World that was my image of this Great Nation, The U.S.A. Then came world WarII! Almost everyone I knew, including the older people, were wanting to fight the enemy who attacked Pearl Harbor; I remember the newspaper headlines every morning; we were outnumbered seven to one on every battlefront we met; the enemy had already placed many militaries on islands between America and Japan to keep us from attacking their mainland; Yes, were where driven back in most all attempt to defeat the enemy! At 14, I wanted so bad to fight the enemy as did everyone I knew plus all older Americans. Then my older brother went to fight; Oh I wanted to, now more than ever to go to fight the enemy, and to protect my brother; yes that thought crossed my mind. At age 15 I got my birth certificate, changed it; but they saw my change, had to wait; My point is; in today’s un-American politics; the enemy isn’t hiding on islands waiting to kill us; the enemy is in office as liberal politicians are doing all they can to destroy our FREEDOM! In today’s young the difference as to our wanting to stop the enemy as we did; now the in-office un-Americans and the young teens are being taught transgender, Gay Pride, wild immoral parties; most everything against Gods will for His creation. How can God Bless America as He did as we live today against His will; Judy, I haven’t told it all, too long; I mention some, and please feel free to add to it or take away; you know the mindset of “The Kids; I just tried to compare the difference between then and now; therein lays the lesson. If you want more I can tell more, but go from here; One of my favorite friends was Whitey Gains, you already know his story, then Another great friend, George England, etc. Hope this gives you something to use, in part or all.
Don Myers, AZ