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What Memorial Day means to me as a Gold Star Mother
God Bless America and all who have fought to preserve our rights and privileges.
Bible was taken out of our schools in 1963
When the Bible was taken out of our schools in 1948 what religion replaced it?
WTK History Lesson “James Suggs” Underground Railroad
Suggs and Spencer Underground Railroad Museum is hosting its Annual Freedom Festival Aug. 6-7 in Vandalia, MI
Field Trip to Supreme Court Indianapolis by Brendan
KBN SeBrendan field trip WTK reporter 2016e Action News reporter - Brendan
Merrick Garland, to “Advice and Consent” or not to, that is the question.
Garland who has been called a “centrist” was appointed about three weeks ago by President Obama who said, “I have fulfilled my constitutional duty.”
The GREATNESS of the republic of the United States of America
Published by WTK’s Constitutionalist, author and journalist Marc Alan Urbach.
Great job to all the kids and CONGRATULATIONS to the “No Wake Zone”! Another great project Steve Gronka. I love what “We The Kids” and “Sea-Quest Kids” do and what they are about. The KIDS are our future.