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Anti-Federalists “Preservation of our liberty depends on men… “
American Minute with Bill Federer
Loving Liberty Radio Show – Utah with WE THE KIDS Team
Welcome to the Loving Liberty Radio Network
Open letters to American Legion Post Commanders
I'm tired of our country being torn apart, our Constitution being trampled, our kids... by Jim Paicz
Curt Fields, Ulysses S. Grant Living Historian, visits South Bend, IN
President Grant will reminisce about his role during the American Civil War
Ulysses S. Grant: The Civil War in Four Minutes
General Ulysses S. Grant - Dr. E. C. Fields, Jr. - Living Historian
Pilgrims experimented with Communism – and rejected it!
American Minute with Bill Federer
This is SO neat and awe-inspiring. I certainly love and appreciate all our BRAVE soldiers everywhere. We should be praying for and remembering these Brave Americans daily.
What a great job displaying this! I am so glad you were able to use it!
Very nice! I really like!
Brilliant !
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I am so flattered that you still have that and still use it! I have a few others if you don’t already have them I can send a copy!
Merry Christmas to All Christians & Jewish American Patriots !!! GOD BE WITH US !!!
What a beautiful voice singing my very favorite Christmas song! Lovely! Thanks!