“Squanto … was a special instrument sent of God…
Categories: WTK History Lessons║Published On: October 16th, 2020║Tags: Captain George Weymouth Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain Thomas Dermer, Catholic friars, Divine intervention Exploration, French shipwreck Captain Thomas Hunt, Governor Bradford, Governor John Mason Mayflower, Hobbamok Captain Standish, Indian fever Death, Indian relations, Manamoick Bay, Massachusetts, Massasoits, Mourt's Relation Peace treaty, Patuxet Governor William Bradford, Pilgrims, Plague, Pokanokets, Samoset, Spain Newfoundland, Squanto, Survival techniques║Views: 3618║2382 words║
Celebrate Columbus Day all of October!
First Chief Justice - John Jay: His Faith & Judicial Philosophy
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