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“Lady Liberty” 125 Years Old
October 28, 1886 On this date, The Statue of Liberty,
Rare 150 Year Old Flag – Dubois County Museum
The American Flag, it was interesting
Audie Leon Murphy – Most decorated hero of WWII by Meredith Sandler
Have you ever seen the movie Pearl Harbor?
Bringing the Constitution and American History to life
Rachel, the young lady pictured, is being home-schooled and has shown a great deal of interest in what we have been doing as we have developed this site. As such, we started which will […]
Games – Flag Day
Did you know…? “The 4th of July was originally celebrated as Americas Birthday?” But, the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885.
Just recently I went to the Indiana State Capital to meet with Daren Gardner. Mr. Gardner is riding his motorcycle across America. You can read more about him at Constitution Ride Across America. He […]
Schooling needs to be based on Christianity, that’s what school was first based off of, teaching children Christian principles, MORALS, respect, REAL HISTORY. What do we have today? We have political agendas, socialist ideologies, liberal teachings, history that never was, and “common core” math that makes absolutely NO COMMON SENSE, there’s nothing “common” about it. We need more Conservative leaders who have the brains, the guts, and the drive to get things done. Put us back to where we used to be, where my kids could watch a family program on tv without all of a sudden, gays pop on on screen kissing, laying in bed together, or transgendered people on tv trying to make it commonplace. It’s not normal, it’s not ok, and it is not to be applauded or pushed onto us or our children. God help us.
Thank you so much, Alisha! Please keep in touch.
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