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I believe America is an exceptional Nation by Joshua Anderson
I believe that our nation is an exceptional nation, a nation created with ideas of freedom and that all men are created equal.
I believe that our nation is an exceptional nation, a nation created […]
WTK4Teens interview Author Juliette Turner (16)
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Our Interview with Mayor Pete Buttigieg South Bend, IN
November 19, 2014
LT. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin interview with WTK Tyler
General Boykin: “The Constitution is the cornerstone of America. It’ s our founding document. It gives us the liberties that we enjoy today and it is what defines us more than anything else.”
Lt Colonel Allen West Interviewed by WTK Teen
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West on The Constitution
“We don’t retreat, we don’t surrender and we make a stand based upon principle.”
Lt. Colonel West: Well, the bottom line is that as a soldier I took an […]
Is There a Lion In My Kitchen? Reviewed by Tyla & Annah
Is There a Lion in My Kitchen? by Kevin Fobbs (Author), Kimberly Sponaugle (Illustrator)
David’s day […]
Schooling needs to be based on Christianity, that’s what school was first based off of, teaching children Christian principles, MORALS, respect, REAL HISTORY. What do we have today? We have political agendas, socialist ideologies, liberal teachings, history that never was, and “common core” math that makes absolutely NO COMMON SENSE, there’s nothing “common” about it. We need more Conservative leaders who have the brains, the guts, and the drive to get things done. Put us back to where we used to be, where my kids could watch a family program on tv without all of a sudden, gays pop on on screen kissing, laying in bed together, or transgendered people on tv trying to make it commonplace. It’s not normal, it’s not ok, and it is not to be applauded or pushed onto us or our children. God help us.
Thank you so much, Alisha! Please keep in touch.
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