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WTK Teen Hannah visits the Historical Carnton Plantation, Franklin, TN
Carnton Plantation
This month I had the opportunity to visit the historical home called the Carnton house in Franklin, Tennessee. The Carnton Plantation was built in 1826 and was used as a hospital during the civil […]
Indiana educators make your new school year Revolutionary !
Indiana educators make your new school year Revolutionary ! The Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution hosts The Americanism Elementary Poster Contest […]
WTK RADIO Show Friday 5-6 PM EST & Sunday 3:00 PM EST
Australia KBN “Kid” Reporter
BELLA our WTK reporter lives in Australia and is so excited about joining
This Speech Was True In the 1960s, It’s True Today!
Uploaded on Nov 19, 2008
Jack Webb Dragnet – The Big Departure Speech
Joe Friday and Bill Gannon give a speech to some teenagers about their wishes to start a new country.
Sea Quest Kids race day – No Wake Zone Wins!!!
Posted by Steve Gronka June 17, 2015
Sea Quest Kids at Hatteras Marlin club HMC Annual Blue Marlin Tournament, North Carolina.
Race day!!!
Schooling needs to be based on Christianity, that’s what school was first based off of, teaching children Christian principles, MORALS, respect, REAL HISTORY. What do we have today? We have political agendas, socialist ideologies, liberal teachings, history that never was, and “common core” math that makes absolutely NO COMMON SENSE, there’s nothing “common” about it. We need more Conservative leaders who have the brains, the guts, and the drive to get things done. Put us back to where we used to be, where my kids could watch a family program on tv without all of a sudden, gays pop on on screen kissing, laying in bed together, or transgendered people on tv trying to make it commonplace. It’s not normal, it’s not ok, and it is not to be applauded or pushed onto us or our children. God help us.
Thank you so much, Alisha! Please keep in touch.
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