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New Zealand Family Reacts to The Star Spangled Banner…
New Zealand Family Reacts to The Star-Spangled Banner As You’ve Never Heard It! (EMOTIONAL)
“If it had not been for the United States during WWII saving New Zealand we would belong to Japan.” New Zealand Dad!
WE THE KIDS PODCAST – WTK Award winning show
#14 "What Is the Forgotten Story Behind the Pledge of Allegiance?”
Happy Independence Day – Troop 881’s Scouts, Springfield, VA
Author Lydia Nuttall, "The Forgotten American Stories!"
Abolitionist Poets: William Lloyd Garrison, Louisa May Alcott – American Minute with Bill Federer
American Minute with Bill Federer
Donald Trump Supports WE THE KIDS!
On November 6th, We The Kids received a letter from President Donald Trump expressing his admiration and support for We The Kids!
Schooling needs to be based on Christianity, that’s what school was first based off of, teaching children Christian principles, MORALS, respect, REAL HISTORY. What do we have today? We have political agendas, socialist ideologies, liberal teachings, history that never was, and “common core” math that makes absolutely NO COMMON SENSE, there’s nothing “common” about it. We need more Conservative leaders who have the brains, the guts, and the drive to get things done. Put us back to where we used to be, where my kids could watch a family program on tv without all of a sudden, gays pop on on screen kissing, laying in bed together, or transgendered people on tv trying to make it commonplace. It’s not normal, it’s not ok, and it is not to be applauded or pushed onto us or our children. God help us.
Thank you so much, Alisha! Please keep in touch.
We The Kids Team