General Grant to teach Civil War lesson’s January, 2016

After the first of the year, in 2016, lessons about the Civil War by General U. S. Grant will be available here on We The Kids. https://youtu.be/cHVaXLWciGg This video is a preview of Civil War information [...]

By |October 26th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
Coming to South Bend, IN – Jesse 1st Degree Black Belt wins *Gold* in Italy

        HEY KIDS! We The Kids Christmas Program JOIN US at Michiana Access TV (WNIT) on November 11th, at 2:00 PM KBN See Action News “Kid” reporters. Would you like to participate in our upcoming interview with our guest [...]

By |August 5th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
WTK Teen Hannah visits the Historical Carnton Plantation, Franklin, TN

Carnton Plantation This month I had the opportunity to visit the historical home called the Carnton house in Franklin, Tennessee. The Carnton Plantation was built in 1826 and was used as a hospital during the civil war. [...]

By |August 1st, 2015|Featured Sites, WTK Kids Projects|
Indiana educators make your new school year Revolutionary !

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Indiana educators make your new school year Revolutionary !  The Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution hosts The Americanism Elementary Poster Contest each year. The Poster this year will depict 1 of [...]

By |July 28th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
WTK RADIO Show Friday 5-6 PM EST & Sunday 3:00 PM EST

Tune in to “We The Kids” history radio on www.cprworldwidemedia.net from 2-3pm pst/ 4-5pm cst/ 5-6pm est On today’s show: Posted by Kevin Fobbs, Cleveland Conservative Examiner   As America prepares to celebrate the nation’s independence one very [...]

By |July 3rd, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
Gunnery Sergeant Aaron M. Kenefick, United States Marine Corps

Posted by Susan Price  -  April 3, 2015  "Gold Star Mom of Aaron"   Aaron Keneflick and Medal of Honor Dakota Meyer Aaron's tragedy is tied to two living Medal of Honor Recipients, Marine Sgt Dakota [...]

By |May 22nd, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour!

Location: City Cemetery, 214 North Elm Street, South Bend, IN What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour featuring key citizens of South Bend's past? "Have You Been to Historic South Bend City Cemetery?" is the launch event [...]

By |May 8th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|

WTK Honors US Veterans

Dedicated to men and women, past and present, who have faithfully served in our United States Armed Forces and their families defending our freedoms as protected by the Constitutions of the United States of America.

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WTK Teen Voice

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance

We would like to extend a special thank you to Mrs. Lothian Skelton and Dr. William Mett of the Art Corporation of America for giving us permission to use Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance.

To enjoy more of Red Skelton’s legendary work, please visit RedSkelton.com

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