Marc and daughter, Rachel Urbach inviting Pledge Challenge June 2022

Marc and daughter, Rachel Urbach Pledge Allegiance and US Flag Challenge We The Kids invites you and your family to partner with We The Kids and take the We The Kids pledge challenge. All entries need to be [...]

By |June 20th, 2016|WTK Featured Stories|
Merrick Garland, to “Advice and Consent” or not to, that is the question.

Garland who has been called a “centrist” was appointed about three weeks ago by President Obama who said, “I have fulfilled my constitutional duty.”

By |April 11th, 2016|WTK Featured Stories|
The GREATNESS of the republic of the United States of America

Published by WTK’s Constitutionalist, author and journalist Marc Alan Urbach. It seems like most of the news or a large part of it is negative news. “If it bleeds, it leads.”  But this is just the opposite of [...]

By |April 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|
Open letter to Whiskey Tango Kilo team (WTK) Fox news-kids

WTK Marc Urbach - journalist and author April 4, 2016 Dear members of Whiskey Tango Kilo team. Please follow this circular order from headquarters to a tee. This is NO Drill, the Union is falling!! I repeat again, [...]

By |April 5th, 2016|WTK Featured Stories|
When is the right time to talk to your children about guns?

By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK Constitutionalist, journalist and author, The answer is very simple, yet complex. There is no right or wrong answer. Every child is unique and different in their own way, so you first need to [...]

By |March 16th, 2016|WTK Featured Stories|
A New York City public school covers up the American Flag

Published by WTK’s reporter Marc Alan Urbach A kindergarten class in PS75, a public school in New York City created a stir this week when it was discovered that the American flag was covered with the flags of [...]

By |March 10th, 2016|WTK Featured Stories|
Kentucky School Censors Bible Passages From Charlie Brown Christmas Play

Published by KBN See Action News reporter - Marc Urbach Students will perform the play “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at W.R. Castle Elementary School this week, but the scene that sees Linus' quoting from the Bible will be [...]

By |December 19th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|
WE THE KIDS remembering Reverend Evin L. Fobbs an American Hero

Published by journalist and author Kevin Fobbs: IN MEMORY OF MY LOVING BROTHER Biblical view of an American hero memorial. Evin L. Fobbs: There are heroes among us. For sixty-one years, I saw the living biblical [...]

By |December 19th, 2015|WTK Featured Stories|

WTK Honors US Veterans

Dedicated to men and women, past and present, who have faithfully served in our United States Armed Forces and their families defending our freedoms as protected by the Constitutions of the United States of America.

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WTK Teen Voice

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance

We would like to extend a special thank you to Mrs. Lothian Skelton and Dr. William Mett of the Art Corporation of America for giving us permission to use Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance.

To enjoy more of Red Skelton’s legendary work, please visit RedSkelton.com

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