WE THE KIDS remembering Reverend Evin L. Fobbs an American Hero

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Categories: WTK Featured StoriesPublished On: December 19th, 2015Tags: , , , , , , , , , , Views: 3835242 words

Published by journalist and author Kevin Fobbs:


Biblical view of an American hero memorial. Evin L. Fobbs:

There are heroes among us. For sixty-one years, I saw the living biblical embodiment of an American hero. He was my twin brother Rev. Evin L. Fobbs.

For Reverend Fobbs, it was God’s Word that was set ablaze in his heart and stirred him to heroic Biblical action. Officer Fobbs, then a City of Detroit police officer, embodied many of the Biblical characteristics the vast majority of police officers show daily. When a tornado swept through the Westside of Detroit overturning cars including his police cruiser, he did not hesitate. With his very life at stake, Evin, injured, got out of his patrol car and helped other injured motorists.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

His life is a lasting legacy of overcoming odds, embracing leadership, and having the courage to say no to fear and life sacrifice as a police officer, mentor for the young, crusader for the defenseless and victims of impoverishment.

The charitable request for his GoFundme Memorial to assist his family with funeral and memorial service arrangements is a legacy for a silent American hero that God gave to serve.

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