The Remarkable Journey of Johnny Clem: From Drummer Boy to Major General
Nine-year-old John Lincoln "Johnny" Clem fled his Newark, Ohio, home in May 1861 to enlist in the Union Army. Still, the Army was reluctant to draft a small youngster. He was turned down by the 3rd Ohio Regiment commander, who stated that they "weren't enlisting infants." Clem would not give up and tried his luck with the 22nd Michigan Regiment, but he was turned down again. Clem, unflinching, followed the regiment, adopted the persona of a drummer boy, and was granted permission to remain. He was not formally recruited, but he did camp work and was paid $13 a month [...]
Ulysses S. Grant: Union General & 18th President “Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties”
American Minute with Bill Federer
Ulysses S. Grant: The Civil War in Four Minutes
General Ulysses S. Grant - Dr. E. C. Fields, Jr. - Living Historian
General Grant teaching on the Battle of Shiloh
The General and the Historian take their ease on the front steps of the Grant Boyhood Home
Mrs. Grant & General Grant | 1869-1877
Posted with permission from Dr. Curt Fields Aka- General Grant. Having been a lifelong student of the American Civil War, Dr. Fields’ interest in portraying General U. S. Grant was driven by his study of the War and subsequent respect and admiration for General Grant. ABOUT - Curt Fields Aka- General Grant. Having been a lifelong student of the American Civil War, Dr. Fields’ interest in portraying General U. S. Grant was driven by his study of the War and subsequent respect and admiration for General Grant. He is the same height and body style as General Grant and, therefore, [...]
The President’s desk more commonly known as