Eiffel Tower similarities

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401, 2020

WTK S1:E4 “The Statue of Liberty: What Challenges Were Overcome To Create Her?”

Listen on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIuWCpRgo5s Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry interview General Grant!Intro by WTK Daniel with American Minute, Bill Federer. Questions: 1. What metal was used to create the outside of the Statue of Liberty? Why?2. What two coins sandwiched together can show us the thickness of Liberty’s exterior “skin”?3. What metal was used to make a “skeleton” inside the Statue of Liberty to hold up her exterior copper skin?4. What do the Statue of Liberty in America and the Eiffel Tower [...]

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