Service & Dedication of Jose Garcia Acosta, A Disabled American Veteran

Jose Gracia Acosta Responding on A Random Comment:

Jose Garcia AcostaIn reply to someone’s comment about me not having a job. First, I am designated disabled by the VA and the government.
I don’t have a job that pays. Every morning I wake up at 6. I do charity work, I am a volunteer at public schools. I deliver free furniture, food, and other things to people who cannot afford it, but need it.
I help fix cars, rebuild homes, and relax, I help families that lost someone in the wars by honoring their heroes by painting them.
Every morning I wake up, no matter the pain and I ask myself,
” What can I do for someone other than myself today?”.
Back pain, PTSD, and many other injuries mostly from my service to my country.
I work harder now helping people, than most people who sit at home collecting unemployment benefits, even when they are able to have a job.
I do all this, not for money or for people to say I am a good person.
I do this so I can have a purpose, a reason to take another breath.
I am a United States Navy Chief and Disabled American Veteran, but above that, I am Native American. I am Apache!

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With all my respect, GSMC (SW) Jose G. Acosta United States Navy D.A.V.
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  1. Ann Marie Weaver February 29, 2024 at 8:24 PM - Reply

    You are who you are and you don’t have to explain to people that don’t understand you have done something with your life Sir it’s an honor to hear you speak and you know where you came from you are a hero in my eyes and every other Veteran that has served. it’s an honor and a privilege to see you on any online site and I Salute you Sir👍 may you continue to serve the Community and the people that you get up for everyday. Pat yourself on
    the back. my ancestors grandfather grandfather was from Mexico and our Indian lineage/heritage is Culiacan Mexico Indian deep in Mexico

  2. Julie May 12, 2024 at 2:03 PM - Reply

    Thank you Sir for your service, sacrifice and love of fellow man and country.
    There are no words I can accurately express how proud I am of you.

  3. Iris November 11, 2024 at 2:26 PM - Reply

    thank you for your service and your family.God bless you always.

  4. Hadleen Medalarak January 23, 2025 at 9:08 PM - Reply

    Sir, you are truly a hero! Don’t give up! Thank you for your great services to your country! God bless!

  5. Christina February 24, 2025 at 8:29 PM - Reply

    Hi, I messaged you on FB messenger, I’m sure it will show up as spam. Please check it though, I believe I have a plaque that belongs to you, thank you!

  6. Bridget March 19, 2025 at 12:14 PM - Reply

    Sir, you’re a veritable hero. With all my respect. God bless you

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