KBN See Action Reporter for We The Kids.us, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team WINS the World Championships, July 2015 Italy….. WE THE KIDS Jesse Minton stood up on the 1st place podium with the American Flag wrapped around him, hands in the air and praised our God! 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze!!!!
Jesse’s statement on the 2nd Amendment, “Our Founding Fathers wanted us to be free. But without The Constitution there is no freedom. The United States of America was born of the dream that we could live free from tyranny. The Right to Bear Arms guarantees our ability to protect our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.”
Jesse Minton- 2nd Amendment Advocate, Patriot, KBN See Action Reporter for We The Kids.us, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team going to the World Championships, July 2015…..
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Jesse Minton is an 11 year old, Constitution loving, little boy from Indianapolis Indiana. Jesse’s family, going back many generations, has always been staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment, and gun safety. (Both of Jesse’s parents, Steve & Ginny, are NRA pistol certified) At the age of 7, U.S. Congressman, Mike Sodrel, gave Jesse a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and he asked his dad to read it to him. Jesse quickly developed a love for liberty & history as well as a keen understanding that it is the 2nd Amendment that serves as the foundation and guarantees that we, the people, maintain and keep all of our other rights & liberties. As a 9 yr old at a 2nd Amendment rally, Jesse spoke on the steps of the Indiana Statehouse, asking grownups to be proactive at preserving gun rights for future generations. Jesse also attended his first NRA show in Indianapolis in 2014.
Gun “awareness/safety” was taught to Jesse at 3-4 years of age (ie If you see a gun, #1-Don’t touch it, #2-Go tell an adult, & #3-Don’t go back near the gun until a grownup says that it’s OK). From the ages of 4-6, with the same Daisy BB gun that his dad received as a Christmas gift some 35+ years ago, Jesse began learning marksmanship and more advanced gun safety requirements. (Never letting the plane of the barrel pass over something you don’t want to shoot; Indexing your trigger finger, using the gun safety and NEVER touching a gun without the permission and supervision of a short list of approved adults). He later received a new Red Ryder BB gun. And in 2014 a family friend, with Steve’s permission, gave Jesse a Stevens .22 rifle. After Jesse is done training and competing in the World Taekwondo Championships in Italy this July, Jesse wants to shoot at some Appleseed shoots and go squirrel hunting this fall.
Jesse is a respectful hard working young man who is learning that great things happen when he works hard to prepare himself to make the most of an opportunity.
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Statehouse steps
Radio pro crop
In November 2014, Jesse received an invitation to try out for the US National Taekwondo Team in Dallas. The family did not have the funds for such a trip. But with community support, enough money was raised to send Jesse and Steve to Dallas. On Saturday Jesse surprised everyone by winning a National Championship and on Sunday he earned a spot on the U.S. National Team! And, providing a successful fundraising campaign Jesse will be going to the World Taekwon-Do Championships in Italy, July 2015.
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WTA Championships
Working with younger kids
Two famous Trainers and an Olympic doctor have volunteered their time to train and care for Jesse on his Journey. They see an opportunity to draw alongside a young man, not because it’s a sporting event, but because it’s an opportunity for Jesse to learn a critically important life process. And that process is; When you see an opportunity, if you show up with your BEST efforts, you’ll likely attain some small level of success. And that small success will likely springboard to a much bigger opportunity, that you’re not yet prepared for. But if you take the time to prepare, by committing, learning, then producing some unrefined skills that can then be developed, over time, to a world class skill set, and IF you stay focused, committed and not fearful of real authentic work, while remaining unaffected to the many distractions that can ruin a person, you will indeed be a successful champion. Medal or not, you will be a champion.
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Then and Now
WTA Championships
This is the 2nd most important lesson that Steve & Ginny can give their children (Jesse has a younger sister, Jordan Raye. She is 6), as it will carry over into their lives as Spouses, Parents, Servants, Employees, Employers, etc.
But Jesse and his family NEED THE HELP OF THE NRA!
And it will be easy to do! Why you can feel good about helping:
He’s ALREADY a winner. He’s been a model steward of donations & support thus far. He Now Deserves it.
Russ Elmore of Elmore’s Firearms in Greenwood Indiana said “If you don’t invest in kids, you have no future”. Russ has graciously become a sponsor of Jesse’s Journey to the World Taekwon-Do Championships
He’s ALREADY a winner! He’s a National Champion! He has already proved that he’s a good steward of people’s gifts and resources. He’s already proven that he can make the most of an opportunity. He just needs your help to be able to stand on that World Stage. He’s earned it.
Jesse is a servant to others. He teaches younger kids Taekwon-Do. He shovels snow for the elderly. Almost without fail, with every Law Enforcement Officer and active & inactive military that he encounters, Jesse ROUTINELY says “Thank you for your service”. He’s aware, grateful and looks for opportunities to help others.
Who is already helping?:
Olympic Team doctor, Dr. Leanne Schlueter has volunteered to care for Jesse’s physical needs during his training as well as donating in excess of $2,500 towards his needs.
Olympic Boxing Gold Medalist Sugar Ray Seals and UFC Champion Trainer/Coach, Pat McPherson have volunteered to coach him in boxing.
These people see a winner in life and they see a need. They stepped up to help and Jesse & Family are GRATEFUL!
How the NRA can help:
Simply share Jesse’s story and website with everyone you can. www.HelpJesseSucceed.com
Send the story to your mailing list and your Social Media subscribers: Facebook, Twitter, email lists etc
Ask NRA members, who also have an audience & following, to give Jesse 3 minutes in front of their audience or ask them to please share Jesse’s story through their email lists and social media.
Time is of the essence. We have a very short time to book airfare, hotels, meal plans etc. We must fund, at least $7,000 in the next 30 days.
Other Opportunities To Help & Sponsor Jesse are real & genuine marketing opportunities:
Premier Ad Banner Placement on Front Page and Every Page (exclusive sponsorship available)
Front Page Ad Placement
Slide Sponsorship at Beginning of regularly produced episodes of ‘Kid Talk’ videos with SEO tags for your business & Industry on Google & YouTube
Commercial Ad Placement w/voice over at end of regularly produced episodes of ‘Kid Talk’ videos with SEO tags for your business & Industry on Google & YouTube
Both Slide Sponsorship & Commercial Ad Placement w/voice over at end of ‘Kid Talk’ videos with SEO tags for your business & Industry on Google & YouTube
Your Company Name, Logo or Message on Jesse’s Warm Up Suit that he will wear on all YouTube Videos
A banner that will be taken on all of Jesse’s travels inside and outside of the U.S. with photos being made of your banner, in front of landmarks and then posted to Jesse’s website, Social Media & Email List.
Kid Talk videos
posted on www.WeTheKids.us
I am genuinely grateful for all of your support. I am humbled that you would make this opportunity possible for me, in a time when my family cannot afford the expenses.
Sincerely, Jesse A. Minton
P.S.- After being interviewed, on We The Kids, for his Taekwon-Do journey, Jesse was invited to become a KBN See Action News Reporter where he will continue to share his message of preserving the 2nd Amendment with as many youth as he possibly can.
Click here to Encourage Jesse and see some "Cool Board Breaking":http://www.helpjessesucceed.com/videos.html
Dear Jesse,
Mazol Tov!!!!! Means Great Job!!! I read every word of this information about you, and to say I am impressed is a huge understatement. What a young man you are!! And what a incredible man you will become. Interestingly we have many things in common. I too was raised with a gun in my hand from a very young age as I was fortunate to go to camp and learn to shoot 22 caliber rifles. I was a very good shot–wish I had saved my medals. I shot a 40 caliber pistol about two months ago and did very well. I took Wado-Kai, a form of Karate in college. Boy was I in great shape and flexibility. I could kick like you. Have some pictures to show you. What a great time in my life. Remember you’re only young once, so take advantage of every minute. I absolutely loved your 3 principles with your video shot in your back yard, you did a fabulous job!! I have some very, very great news to share with you and your dad pertaining to the radio show. You can always call me anytime to discuss anything that you want. God Bless you and your family and I look forward to speaking with you. Have a great day, Marc
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Dear Jesse,
Mazol Tov!!!!! Means Great Job!!! I read every word of this information about you, and to say I am impressed is a huge understatement. What a young man you are!! And what a incredible man you will become. Interestingly we have many things in common. I too was raised with a gun in my hand from a very young age as I was fortunate to go to camp and learn to shoot 22 caliber rifles. I was a very good shot–wish I had saved my medals. I shot a 40 caliber pistol about two months ago and did very well. I took Wado-Kai, a form of Karate in college. Boy was I in great shape and flexibility. I could kick like you. Have some pictures to show you. What a great time in my life. Remember you’re only young once, so take advantage of every minute. I absolutely loved your 3 principles with your video shot in your back yard, you did a fabulous job!! I have some very, very great news to share with you and your dad pertaining to the radio show. You can always call me anytime to discuss anything that you want. God Bless you and your family and I look forward to speaking with you. Have a great day, Marc