WE THE KIDS PODCAST – WTK Award winning show
Susan Lock
1180 WFYL Philadelphia, PA
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Forgotten American Stories on theÂ
We The Kid’s Radio Show on www.1180wfyl.com
Encouraging the American Tradition of Family Time
WTK Liberty Player – Annah’s Introduction to WE THE KIDS Radio Shows
#17 “How Did Chief Massasoit Show KINDNESS?â€
(Chapter 11 page 155 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitutionâ€)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids, Daniel, Karsten,
*Who was Chief Massasoit?
*Why were he and his people, the Wampanoag, concerned about the Mayflower Pilgrims when they arrived in the waters of Cape Cod Bay the winter of 1620?
*What reasons did Chief Massasoit and his people have to hate, retaliate, and kill all the Mayflower Pilgrims?
*What did Chief Massasoit choose to do? How did he teach his people to react?
*Regardless of their differences, what did Chief Massasoit and his people & Governor Carver and his people choose to do?
*How could “building on common ground†and showing KINDNESS to others benefit us in our day?
#16 “What is the Forgotten Story of the Pilgrims’ SECOND Thanksgiving?â€
(Chapter 11 page 151 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitutionâ€)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids, Daniel.
*Where can you find the account of the Pilgrims’ SECOND Thanksgiving? What is the background behind it?
*Why did the Pilgrims first choose the “common store†way of providing for themselves?
*Why did they later choose a â€free enterprise†/ “free-market economy†of providing for themselves?
*What is the forgotten story of the Pilgrims’ SECOND Thanksgiving?
*What can we learn from this documented account?
 #15  “The Mayflower Families & Mayflower Compact: Why Should Every American Value Them?â€
(Chapter 5 page 59 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel.
*Is there a difference between a Separatist, a Puritan, and a Pilgrim?
*Was America the first country to establish a Republic?
*When the Separatists landed on the North American continent outside the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, what did this enable them to do?
*Who was William Bradford?
*What circumstances in England made the Separatists flee their native country for the untamed wilderness of North America?
*If America loses Freedom of Religion, what environment can we expect to live in?
#14 “What Is the Forgotten Story Behind the Pledge of Allegiance?â€
(Chapter 1 pages 18 & 19 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories and WTK Daniel and Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiances
Questions: *What is a “pledgeâ€?*What does “allegiance†mean?*When someone wants to become an American citizen, they take the Oath of Citizenship. What does the Oath of Citizenship say about “allegianceâ€?*Do other countries have a “pledge of allegiance†to their flag and country?*What is a “Republicâ€?#13 “What Is the Forgotten Story Behind the Star-Spangled Banner?â€
(Chapter 1 page 15 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)Click here to listen:
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids With Billy Eagle and Colonel John Eidsmoe!
*What does “spangled†mean? What is an “anthem�
*Do other countries have “national anthems� What do they say?
*What’s the story behind OUR national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner�
*How did Francis Scott Key exemplify COURAGE?
*What does our national anthem say?
*What do other people in other countries do when they hear their country’s national anthem?
*What should WE do when we hear our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner�
#12 “The American Citizenship Test: How Many Questions Can YOU Answer?! (Part 2)†& “The Quarantine!”
(Chapter 3 page 40 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids. Today’s Liberty players are Daniel, Ryan, Hannah, and Mom Susan.
*What do you need to do to become a Naturalized American Citizen?
*What is the purpose of the American Citizenship Test?
*How many total questions are there on the American Citizenship Sample Test?
*How many questions are you asked to answer?
*How many must you answer correctly?
*How many can YOU answer correctly today?!
SPECIAL: “We The Kids Consitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day! September 17, 1787“What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?â€
(Chapter 9 page 107 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitutionâ€)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Reporter Daniel and Christelle.
*What do we mean by “success formula� (What is a “formula�)
*What did this “formula†make the U.S. Constitution successful at accomplishing?
*What IS the “success formula†of the U.S. Constitution?
1. Sovereignty of the People
2. Separation of Powers
3. Limited Powers of Government
4. Representation
5. A Moral and Religious People
*If we leave out any of these success formula elements, what could happen to our “United†States of America and our liberties?
#11 “The Oath & Office of Citizenship:  Why an Oath?â€
(Chapter 4 page 51 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Reporter Daniel’s interview with Judge Douglas Ginsburg.
*What’s an oath? Why make an oath? Why KEEP an oath?
*What’s an Oath of Office?
*Is there a difference between the Oath our President makes and the Oath our Congressmen make?
*What’s the story behind the Oath of American Citizenship?
*What does the Oath of American Citizenship say?
*Why is making an Oath of Citizenship important?
#10 ” More Immigrant Short Stories: What is Bravery?â€Â                               (Chapter 4 page 47 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids. Today’s Liberty players are Annah, Daniel, and Christelle.
*What’s the story behind the Degan family and Worlton family coming to America?
*What do immigrant stories share in common? (BRAVERY! Courage! …and Sacrifice)
*What is a Natural Born citizen? What is a Naturalized citizen?
Today special show: WE THE KIDS radio show special with Vince Duncan who is running for US Congress 18 District, Houston TX
# 9 “How Did YOUR Ancestors Achieve Success Here in America? Part 2″
(Chapter 4 page 49 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids.
*How is WORK a principle of Success and Happiness in this land of Liberty, Opportunity, and Hope?
*Who was Joseph Marion Hernandez? Dr. Feng Shan Ho? John Moses Browning? Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte?
*What do they all share in common?
*What difference do you think their work made in their lives? …in the lives of others?
# 8 “How Did YOUR Ancestors Achieve Success Here in America?“ Part 1″
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids
Questions: *
How did our early American ancestors use the American gift of Liberty to WORK and own land, get an education, live in peace, rise above poverty, etc?
* Who was Madame C.J. Walker? What’s the forgotten American story about her?
* Who was Pfc. Herbert K. Pililaau?
* What do both people have in common?
#7 “Slavery: Did Everyone Who Came to America Want to Come?â€
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids With Billy Eagle and Colonel John Eidsmoe!
*What about the men, women, and children who were captured in other countries brought to America, and sold as slaves and as indentured servants???
*Was it a unique practice in the early history of America to enslave men, women, and children?
*What was the role of The Declaration of American Independence in America’s progression towards the eventual outlawing of slavery?
*Does slavery still exist today?
#6 “The American Citizenship Test:Â How Many Questions Can YOU Answer?!”
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<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/uuauKwdGbjg” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids With Billy Eagle and Colonel John Eidsmoe!
*What is the purpose of the American Citizenship Test?
*How many total questions are there on the American Citizenship Sample Test?
*How many questions are you asked to answer when applying for citizenship?
*How many questions must you answer correctly in order to become a citizen of the United States of America?
*How many can YOU answer correctly today?!
#5 “Emma Lazarus:Â Why Should Every American Know Her?”
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Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids With Billy Eagle and Colonel John Eidsmoe!
*What is her connection to the Statue of Liberty?
*How old was she when she made a difference in America?  How did she exemplify COMPASSION?
*What is “The New Colossus�  (Was there an “old colossus�)
*What does this poem say?  What does it mean to us in America today?
*Why are statues and monuments of our American history and heritage important to preserve?
#4 “The Statue of Liberty: What Challenges Were Overcome To Create Her?â€
Click here to listen:
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry interview General Grant!
Intro by WTK Daniel with American Minute, Bill Federer.
*What challenges did Frederic Bartholdi overcome in order to create the Statue of Liberty?
*What is the importance of PERSEVERANCE?
*What do the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower have in common?
*How does the Statue of Liberty symbolize liberty?
*What is the importance of setting small goals to help accomplish a BIG goal?
#3 “The Statue of Liberty:Â What Are the Stories Behind Her Creation?”
Click here to listen:
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry Interview General Grant. Intro by WTK Daniel with American Minute, Bill Federer.
*How did we get the Statue of Liberty?
*How can ONE person can make a difference – a man, a woman, even a child?
#2 “Your Forgotten Story: Why Did YOUR Ancestors Come to America?” (Chapter 4 page 45 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
Click here to listen:
Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry Interview General Grant. Intro by WTK Daniel with American Minute, Bill Federer. Â
*Why did your ancestors come to America? Your own parents? Your grandparents? Or your great grandparents, or great-great-grandparents?
* Did they find what they were looking for?
*If they did not come here by choice, why did they stay in America?
#1 “To Millions of Americans: Why Should You Know About Ellis Island? ” (Chapter 3 page 35 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)
Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry interview General Grant!
Intro by We The Kid Liberty Player Daniel with American Minute Bill Federer!
*What is Ellis Island?  Where is it?  Can you go there today? Why is it significant?
*Why did millions of immigrants come to America?
*Why were they willing to leave everything familiar behind to come to America?
*Why do thousands of immigrants still come to America every year?
2,264 have sold!***************************************************************************************************

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