WTK Featured Stories

221 items

1906, 2022

The Founding Fathers’ Happy Father’s Day – by Marc Urbach

Published by Teacher and Author Marc UrbachJust a bunch of young to middle-aged, Christian men changed the world forever.  The Founding FathersHappy Father's Day!Why and how did they do this? What was their base, their foundation? I believe their strong belief in God, natural rights, and liberty enabled them to declare their independence from King George III. They not only inspired colonists to form militias and join the Continental Army, but they also inspired other peoples around the world. Thus the Founding Fathers changed history and the way people live. The Founding Fathers Matter!!For two thousand years of European history, people lived [...]

1406, 2022

Happy #FlagDay! Do you know the story behind the flag? By Daniel Sheridan

The Story of the First Stars and Stripes – By Daniel Sheridan#OTD, June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress authorized the “stars and stripes†flag for the new United States.On the right of the provided photo is the British Union Jack with the red cross of St. George and the Scottish white cross of St. Andrew. General George Washington used the flag on the left at Cambridge in January 1776. The flag in the middle, our “stars and stripes,†was adopted by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777, when Americans exchanged the British Union for a Union of 13 States, [...]

1306, 2022

June 12, 1776, the Virginia Constitutional Convention approves George Mason’s Bill of Rights. Why should we care? by Daniel Sheridan

June 12, 1776, the Virginia Constitutional Convention approves George Mason’s Bill of Rights. Why should we care?By Daniel SheridanRecurrence to Fundamental Principles, Love, and Charity: The Foundations of a Free Society – By Daniel Sheridan1776 was the year of the Declaration of Independence and constitution-making in the new states. One question Americans couldn’t answer yet: Who had the right to declare what the law shall be?Historian Forrest McDonald describes the problem facing the Patriots:“Of the eight constitutions established in 1776, six were drafted by bodies especially elected for the purpose, but they were never submitted to anyone for ratification…Proclamation of [...]

606, 2022

June 5, 1944, General Eisenhower, having decided to launch Operation by Daniel Sheridan

June 5, 1944, General Eisenhower, having decided to launch Operation Overlord, sent a message to every member of the armed forces! By Daniel Sheridan June 6th, 2022SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCESoldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi [...]

2605, 2022

Loyal Opposition – By Daniel Sheridan

Today is John Wayne's Birthday. He was born on May 26, 1906. Here's one thing we can learn from him.John Wayne was a famous American actor and an outspoken conservative Republican. However, he respected and supported whoever held the job – for the office is more important than the man. Beginning with President Kennedy, Wayne would send a letter applauding the new president saying, "congratulations from the loyal opposition." He sent the same message to other presidents he didn’t vote for, like Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter. Duke, as Wayne was called, criticized some of Kennedy's policies, but when [...]

2405, 2022

Signers of Declaration – WTK Liberty Players & our History Mystery Guest!

 WE THE KIDS S2 E2-SIGNERS OF DECLARATION & WTK LIBERTY PLAYERS  WE THE KIDS - S2 E3--SIGNERS OF DECLARATION & WTK LIBERTY PLAYERS Mrs. Abigail Adams Biography Abigail Adams Biography (1744-1818)Mrs. Abigail (nee Smith) Adams was the daughter of Reverend William Smith, an “Old Light†Puritan Minister in Weymouth, Massachusetts and Mrs. Elizabeth (nee Quincy) Smith. Her mother taught Abigail and her siblings: Mary Smith Cranch, William Smith, and Elizabeth “Betsy†Smith Shaw-Peabody, how to read and write. Due to her father’s extensive library collection, Abigail enjoyed studying philosophy, law, politics, and history.Mrs. Adams was the first Second [...]

2005, 2022

America’s First Declaration of Independence: A Town Meeting Production by Daniel Sheridan

May 20, 1775, the first Colonial Declaration of Independence was written, or was it? Did you that over ninety “Declarations of Independence” were written by townships and counties throughout the colonies between April and July of 1776, three months before Jefferson’s hallowed parchment? America is the product of town meetings – a bottom-up movement. Here’s the story.

1905, 2022

WE THE KIDS Interview with President James Madison

We The Kids Radio Podcast Welcome President James Madison aka Kyle JenksProfessional Interpreter of Pres. James Madison Writer / Director / Producer / Promoter / Actor James and Dolley: Opposites Attract http://leagueofmostinterestinggentlem… www.facebook.com/PresidentMadison IG: @madisonportrayer IG: @jenks_kyle Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama by Walter D. Edmonds www.facebook.com/DrumsAlongTheMohawk (216) 509-7502 WE THE KIDS - S2E4-WTK LIBERTY PLAYERS- JAMES MADISON WE THE KIDS OUTTAKES WITH VIDEO https://youtu.be/5wUB_WI7eZ4   James Madison The 4th President of the United States Re-posted with permission from The White House and The White House Historical Association James Madison, America’s fourth President (1809-1817), made a major contribution to [...]

1905, 2022

The First International Peace Conference By Daniel Sheridan

By Daniel Sheridan On this day, May 19th, 1899, reps of the first International Peace Conference contemplate their awesome responsibility.Wars abounded in the years leading up to 1899. The expanding technology was making the world a smaller place. As a result, many saw the need for... 

1805, 2022

Marquette’s Last Missionary Trip By Daniel W. Sheridan

By Daniel W. Sheridan On this day, May 18th, 1675, Marquette completed his mission.   “I found myself in the blessed necessity of exposing my life for the salvation of these peoples, and especially of the Illinois, who have very urgently entreated me…to carry the word of God to their country.” Jacques Marquette Those are the words of Jacques Marquette, who gave his life in the service of...

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