Moms for Liberty Hosts Author Rebecca Price Janney in Nazareth
Reposted with permission from 69 News wfmztv NAZARETH, Pa. — "I try to find any type of events that are educational to bring him to," said Kirsten Antonioli. Antonioli home-schools her 9-year-old son, Josiah. She's been looking for ways to engage him in U.S. History. Once she heard that local author Rebecca Price Janney would be teaching kids about the Constitution at the Nazareth Memorial Library, she decided to bring him. "I thought that this was perfect to teach him about the United States and how the Constitution was formed," said Antonioli. "I learned all about what happened back then," said [...]
Recipient of Veteran Service Award Dedicates Efforts to Fellow Veterans’ Well-being
By Mike BollingerTom Britt has called Johnston County home since 2008, dedicating the past 15 years to serving his fellow veterans in various capacities. In recognition of his unwavering commitment, Britt has been honored with the prestigious Johnston Now Veteran Service Award.For Britt, being a veteran is a lifelong commitment. He firmly believes that if he has the capacity to assist his fellow veterans, he will continue to do so, motivated by the memory of friends he lost during his service. Britt served in the U.S. Army from May 27, 1966, until May 26, 1969, achieving the rank of Specialist [...]
WWII Army Veteran’s 100th birthday! – Make Her Dream Come True
Reposted with permission by Lucy GonzalesPlease join We The Kids to send a Birthday card to Ethelyn Bell 100 year old, on Oct 4, 2023HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS. BELL!From all of us at We The Kids In Bonham, Texas, Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham of the Veterans Land Board is calling on the local community and all of Texas to show support for Ethelyn Szad Bell, a U.S. Army Veteran residing at the Clyde W. Cosper Texas State Veterans Home, who's turning 100 on October 4th. She hopes to receive 100 birthday cards.Ethelyn Bell began her military service at 21, serving as [...]
- WTK SPECIAL: “We The Kids Constitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day! September 17, 1787 “What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?” Gallery
WTK SPECIAL: “We The Kids Constitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day! September 17, 1787 “What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?”
WTK SPECIAL: “We The Kids Constitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day! September 17, 1787 “What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?”
(Chapter 9 page 107 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution”) Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Reporter Daniel and Christelle. Questions: *What do we mean by “success formula”? (What is a “formula”?) *What did this “formula” make the U.S. Constitution successful at accomplishing? *What IS the “success formula” of the U.S. Constitution?1. Sovereignty of the People2. Separation of Powers3. Limited Powers of Government4. Representation5. A Moral and Religious People *If we leave out any of these success formula elements, what could happen to our “United” States [...]
WE THE KIDS Gold Star Mom – Susan Price, Fighting For Our Freedom
Susan Price, Gold Star MotherPatriot, Investigative Researcher,National Voice, Veteran Advocate, Advocate for Justice.Susan Price is a Gold Star Mother and resides in the Tampa, Florida, area. She is the daughter of a Marine and an Army Veteran herself, yet most importantly, she is the mother of American Hero, Marine Gunnery Sgt. Aaron M. Kenefick, who was KIA, on September 8th, 2009, in the Kunar Province of Afghanistan during a complex ambush in the village of 'Ganjgal' forever tied to two Living Medal of Honor Recipients, Marine Corporal Dakota Meyer and Army Captain Will Swenson.Through the death and grief of her [...]
Helen Keller “Self-pity is our worst enemy” – American Minute with Bill Federer
LISTEN (text to speech) ‌ ‌ ‌ American Minute with Bill Federer Helen Keller "Self-pity is our worst enemy" Read American Minute Helen Keller was born June 27, 1880. At the age of two she suffered an illness that left her blind and deaf ... continue reading American Minute here .. Download as PDF ... American Minute-Notable Events of American Significance Remembered on the Date They Occurred Her parents took her to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell who recommended the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston. It was there, at age of 7, that Helen Keller was taught by Anne [...]
We The Kids History Trackers Radio Show Won 3rd Year in A Row
WTK Radio show lessons based on "Forgotten American Stories" by Author Lydia Nuttall
Award-Winning Entertainer of the Year! DEE ROCK “TIME FOR LIVING!”
I'm thrilled and honored to be a nominee at the 2023 Red Carpet Award Show in the Netherlands I'll be performing at the award show being held at the Van der Valk Theater in Ermelo Holland!Looking forward to sharing the stage with my European friends/Artist.Peace Love & Music, Dee Rock#MusicIsLife, #amsterdam#GratitudeAbout DeeDee Rock was raised on the West Coast by parents who enjoyed good music and had deep roots in Texas. His dad especially enjoyed good music and introduced Dee to a variety of music genres including Motown, Country, Blues, and Jazz. As a result of those influences and those deep [...]
WTK TEEN VIEW – Be encouraged! “WTK Teens Engaging in the Election!”
Be encouraged! Youth are standing in the gap! The boys have been phone banking for Lori Mills (CA State Assembly District 42) WE THE KIDS LIBERTY PLAYERS, Lani team CA!WTK kids got involved in their local elections by making calls to help get a moral and constitutional candidate elected.! NOMINEE CA STATE ASSEMBLYDISTRICT  Lori Mills, State Rep....When it comes to the American Dream, California was once the best state in the nation to receive an education, find a great paying job, start a family, establish a business, and buy a home in a safe neighborhood. Look around today [...]
History Mystery Tour Press Release
What was your favorite subject in school? If it was history, you probably had a great teacher, one who didn't focus on memorizing dates but on bringing past people and events to life. Unfortunately, today's children are either learning America was nothing to brag about, or they aren't learning much at all. Many don't even know who won the Civil War. It is time to show young Americans how exciting and relevant history is. It is time to let them know God's fingerprints are all over our nation's past. It is time to inspire them with our ancestors' stories of [...]
Veteran digs in to help fellow Veterans with a harvest for heroes
Reposted with permission from ABC News team Ashville, NC. ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) - It was a final parting request from Jeff Powell's US Navy Commanding Officer, continue supporting military men and women.' Powell took those words to heart launching a number of 4-Veterans initiatives. “The plants grow pretty fast,†said Jeremiah surveying their efforts. (Photo Credit: WLOS Staff) Veteran digs in to help fellow Veterans with a harvest for heroes News 13's Carolina Moment takes you inside Powell's latest growing effort to create a harvest for local heroes. 'Just kind of rake it up around here in a circle,' [...]