WTK Featured Stories

221 items

712, 2011


 Written by Rachel Ann S. K9-Police Dogs South Bend, IN: Local news I met with Sergeant Dan Demler, and Corporal Bryan Miller. Dan and Bryan are K9 trainers with the South Bend, Police Department. We talked about how K9s are chosen, training for them, types of dogs, and the "traits", or "drives" of the K9s. After the meeting was fun too. Usually the dogs are gotten from different kennels around the country. Most of the dogs, like the German Shepherd or the Belgian Malinois, are imported from Europe! When choosing a K9 officer, officers like Dan and Bryan look for [...]

1309, 2010


  Just recently I went to the Indiana State Capital to meet with Daren Gardner.  Mr. Gardner is riding his motorcycle across America. You can read more about him at Constitution Ride Across America. http://www.craa2010.com.  He is riding across America meeting with State representative asking them to sign a Constitutional pledge. Here is a copy of what he is asking the state representatives to sign. *Constitution Resolution for America * *WHEREAS “We the People” of the United States of America are the most gracious and generous in the world and God has seen fit to bestow many blessings on us. [...]

806, 2010

Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Signers of the Declaration of Independence – Hancock Posted on 08 June 2010 by admin Rachel Ann John Hancock was born in Braintree, Massachusetts on January 23rd, 1737. He was the first of 56 people who RISKED THEIR LIVES by signing the Declaration of Independence. John is and was well known for his extra large signature on the Declaration. He was the only one to sign this big and afterwards he exclaimed, “There, I guess King George will be able to read that!” John’s father died when he was just 7 years old in 1744. This must have been very [...]

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