History of Abraham Lincoln
Written by Tyler D. Age 14 Posted on April, 2012 Abraham Lincoln was an honest, courageous, and truthful man who served like a king. But even before becoming a man, he carried these values with him as a child. He made Thanksgiving an official holiday, needing a day for the North to be thankful for the victories they achieved. Ten nights before his assassination, Lincoln had a dream that was later proclaimed prophetical by his wife after his death on April 25, 1856. He was greatly grieved by the nation after his death as the people called him “Father Abraham†[...]
I had the opportunity to interview Juliette Turner about Our Constitution Rocks!
Hey! Guess what! WTK WE THE KIDS BRACELET You picked it! Great job!We Kids love it! WTK BRACELETS now $4.98. A portion of the profit will go to Jana's Kids Foundation - up to the first 1000 sold. http://www.janaskids.org/. Thank you from all of us! Rachel Ann (15) Designers Rachel Ann & Dani Kates, co- owners of wethekids Kids love them! WE THE KIDS is growing & we need your help to do that! The kid's bracelet is 1" wide silicone. Please help us spread the word.We truly are One Nation Under God! Thanks, Judy Lane [divider [...]
Eric Dodge Home of the Brave “God Bless America!”
I love that you use your site to educate children about
How the Pillow Mom Changed America One Pillow at a Time
Written by WTK Reporter Kate age 13 Patriotism Pillows for Comfort: How the Pillow Mom Changed America One Pillow at a Time With her husband a veteran of the Vietnam War, and her son fighting in Iraq, Christina Finn feels a close tie to the military and its service men and women. The Patriotic Pillow Project is her way of honoring America’s service men and women to show appreciation for their sacrifice. She is the owner of the "Pillow Mom, and Kenny's Kaps" website and is famous nationally for her patriotic handmade pillows. Given to retired and wounded soldiers, these [...]
Rachel Ann, 15, is actively involved in the decision-making and attends WTK meetings. Rachel also works with WTK designer Dani Kates -NY and helped created the look for our WTK patriotic bracelet. Rachel is involved in fund raising for Jana's kids foundation. Rachel also does photography for WTK. Rachel is excelling in math and is an A student. Rachel loves US history and Government, and also speaks at political functions and conducts home-school fairs for WE THE KIDS. Her outside activities include 4-H with her pet Mini Rex rabbit, Leo. Leo has won Best Opposite in his breed and last [...]
WTK’S Annah’s Book Review
Little Patriot Press - Woodrow The White House Mouse " Very cool book!" WTK BOOK REVIEW by Annah 2nd grade We The Kids, Annah is a co-owner, she is very active in decision-making and loves being an owner. It made learning about the President and his job very interesting and fun. My favorite page is where the mouse falls off the chandelier and falls right into a Senator's soup. It's Brendan's favorite page also. I like finding the mice when they are playing hide and seek in The White House with Woodrow."The red and green rooms are not close together [...]
Jacob Announced Winner of “What Patriotism Means To Me” Essay Contest
Essay winner What child would want to write an essay when it’s summertime? Someone who wants to win a pool party! That’s exactly what 11-year old Jacob did! With the encouragement of his grandmother, Jacob decided to enter the contest. The contest was open to readers of the Union Star and Altavista Journal of Brookneal, VA and was also handed out in area libraries and other events. Jacob won a pool party on our Main Brookneal Campus. He was allowed to invite friends and family and was provided with snacks and drinks Jacob said his grandmother was the driving force behind [...]
Kate’s letter to Congressman Donnelly – Indiana
Dear Mr. Donnelly,Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to these questions. I suppose because I am not meeting you in person, I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am 12 years old and a strong writer, and I enjoy my many interests. I remember my family and myself being at a community event. I’m sure you don’t recall, but I was one of those little second graders toddling over to you, interrupting your meal, and asking you questions for our classroom newspaper. That was a fond memory of mine. You were the first [...]
John Lyons “America’s Most Trusted Horseman”
Written by WTK Reporter, Hannah M, Age 15. I got the privilege to talk to Mr. John Lyons through a phone interview. I learned a lot of interesting things about his life and I really enjoyed doing this interview. John Lyons started his career in horse training in 1980. He knew he wanted to become a horse trainer when he watched another trainer train. He thought it was dangerous, and saw how much people wanted to learn. He thought he could teach people and help keep them safe. Phoenix, Arizona is where he grew up and went to school. His favorite [...]
Mr. Mourdock OUR PRIVATE Backstage
Interview by WTK reporter Kate age 12. Mr. Mourdock OUR PRIVATE Backstage INTERVIEW WITH The Man running for U.S. Senator Politics is a complex subject. And everyone has different views on how we should run our country. We caught some time with Mr. Mourdock after he went to a religious service at Nappanee Missionary Church in Nappanee, Indiana. Well into his campaign, and pressed for time, Mr. Mourdock nevertheless Gave us thoughtful answers and undivided attention to our nonpartisan questions. He is running for U.S. Senator representing Indiana. Our questions our written in this font, and Mr. Mourdock’s answers are [...]
As we gather to celebrate the birthdate of America's independence