WTK Featured Stories

221 items

2808, 2014

KBN Sea Action News – Seaquestkids in West VA

M Steven Gronka added 20 new photos — at Highlands Wal-Wart. Out at the Quaker Steak and Lube in the Highlands Mall and business center for the early arrivals to show their boats to the public! This year to our surprise it was Biker night at the Lube The Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta! The 7th Annual Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta! The 2014 Regatta will celebrate our 9th year and build on our past success from previous years. Be sure to watch our website for the latest announcements. As always, the Regatta features FREE ADMISSION for all public events. [...]

2208, 2014


KBN See Action News! Here's our the latest video. We had kids from We The Kids (WTK), WTK 4 Teens, and Children of The American Revolution. We The Kids is set up to teach American History, Government and The Constitution. Please let us know what you think about the video! It will be played on Michiana Access TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd8LnPn3eIw WE THE KIDS Is a supporter of OPERATION 300. Aaron Carson Vaughn: Elite Navy SEAL Aaron was killed August 6, 2011 when a Chinook chopper carrying 30 American troops was shot down in Afghanistan. His sister Tara has camps for children [...]

1408, 2014

WTK Tribute to Aaron Vaughn – Operation 300 Foundation for kids

Posted by -Tara Vaughn Baldwin August 15th, 2014 On August 6th, 2011, our family awakened to the reality of tragedy that so many families have lived. My bigger-than-life brother, Aaron Carson Vaughn, was KIA. Those letters seemed insufficient to describe the fullness of their meaning. Nevertheless, it was true. As we muddled through the next few months of this new life without him, we had a strong desire to somehow add value to our great loss. Aaron was a man’s man, but a child at heart. He always made everyone laugh and was constantly forcing us all to join in [...]

908, 2014

Navajo Pastors At 9 11 Memorial NYC 2014

Published by Steve Gronka Aug 7, 2014 Sea Quest Kids News Navajo Pastors, Ministry workers of other tribes, Native American friends, and other friends in support of Native Americans came out to the Opening of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. The group was from all over America with most of the Pastors coming from the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. Pastor Pete Belon from Gallup/Smith Lake New Mexico was instrumental in bringing the group together. Pastor Belon has the Smith Lake School Cornerstone Ministry, Smith Lake, New Mexico, on the Navajo Reservation. http://www.cminavajoministries.net The date was [...]

3107, 2014

The Patriot Movie I Reviewed by WTK Tyler

The movie the Patriot takes place around when the Revolutionary War. It is a story about Colonel Benjamin Martin. He has seven children and no wife. The movie the Patriot takes place around when the Revolutionary War. It is a story about Colonel Benjamin Martin. He has seven children and no wife. AT the beginning of the movie it shows some of his boys out in the fields plowing and picking crop. Shortly after they finish and go inside to see their dad Benjamin Martin. Benjamin Martin got his rank of Colonel while fighting in the Indian War along with [...]

1406, 2014

“Flag Folding Ceremony” The Meaning of each fold

Posted by Ann M. Wolf's NEW VIDEO IN CELEBRATION OF "FLAG DAY" 2014 "Flag Folding Ceremony" The Meaning of each fold: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-Lf9WTiawQ DEDICATION: Dedicated to Honor Guards across America, as well as to all those who honor our Veterans, 1st-Responders & their families, this video expresses the purpose & meaning of each phase of the "Flag Folding Ceremony" as conducted at funerals, memorials, & special events. Ann M. Wolf narrates the traditional script with a few modifications for education & inspiration of "Lovers of Liberty" from around the world. LOCAL HONORS: Special mention is given to Volunteer State Honor Guard [...]

503, 2014

Author & Artist David Bowman

Written by WTK Kate & GabbyMr. Bowman wrote a fabulous book about our Founding Fathers and the Constitution.        Educating Young AmericansWe conducted a phone interview with Mr. Bowman and learned many things about our great nation.  He explained that America is only as good as its next generation.  He has  four children himself and he wrote this book to educate other children.  He is an artist and a teacher who combined both of his talents to make this interesting and informative book.  Thank you, Mr. Bowman, for your time!                                                                                                                                    ---GabbyInspiring a New GenerationMr. David Bowman, a writer from [...]

111, 2013

THE BALD EAGLE – reviewed by Mataya & Annah

The Bald Eagle by Jennifer Silate Primary Sources American Symbols Reviewed by Mataya (11) and Annah (8 1/2)The bald eagle is a very common animal.  The most famous bald eagle was Old Abe during the Civil War. Old Abe had a high pitched screech. He would screech when there was a battle. The legend says,  "After he died, people could still hear him screech very loud"!In 1940 there was a law that you couldn’t own or kill a bald eagle. The farmers would put DDT in all type of stuff that lead to the rivers.  When the bald eagles would [...]

1908, 2013

The White House by Jennifer Silate reviewed by WTK Kayleb

The White House by Jennifer Silate Primary Sources American Symbols Reviewed by Kayleb (8 ) comments in RED by David Wyatt, IN The book THE WHITE HOUSE was intriguing. I never knew The White House was almost completely destroyed in 1812 by the British troops. The war of 1812 was one of our first real wars.  Did you know the flag only had 15 stars during that war?  These 2 new stars were for the states of Vermont and Kentucky.  And look 15 stripes too.The Northern and Southern states were very happy together in 1812. It was then [...]

3004, 2013

The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program

We the Kids believes it is important to protect our children. One of the best ways to do this is to EDUCATE them. As such, we are utilizing the Eddie Eagle Program to teach gun safety. Children need to know that "Guns are TOOLS not TOYS!" and what to do if they come upon one! "If you see a gun, STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult." The purpose of the Eddie Eagle Program isn't to teach whether guns are good or bad, but rather to promote the protection and safety of children. Thank you so much. Judy [...]

3004, 2013


A WORD ABOUT HANNAH M. Hannah is 15 years old and is an A student. She has been both home schooled and publicly schooled, and is currently attending her local high school. Hannah has 3 brothers who all play instruments and she  loves playing the guitar. Hannah loves to  spend time with friends, cook and babysit. She is involved in volleyball, running and swimming. We give Hannah a We The Kid’s Kid approval!  

1804, 2013

Letter to all kids from Grandpa Larry

Hey Kids, Hope you are all doing well.  Summertime is almost here and hope that you all have lots of summertime fun! GOD Bless you all and I love every one of you so be good and grow up strong. Keep up the fight for our great nation. Grandpa Larry   United States Army https://www.facebook.com/messages/1049482957     Dear Kids, I am a grandpa and military veteran. Millions of service members fought and thousands died to protect the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is powerful. The right to vote is so important. Unfortunately only about 50% of  Americans take the time to [...]

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