This Speech Was True In the 1960s, It’s True Today!
Uploaded on Nov 19, 2008 Jack Webb Dragnet - The Big Departure Speech Joe Friday and Bill Gannon give a speech to some teenagers about their wishes to start a new country.
Sea Quest Kids race day – No Wake Zone Wins!!!
Posted by Steve Gronka June 17, 2015 Sea Quest Kids at Hatteras Marlin club HMC Annual Blue Marlin Tournament, North Carolina. Race day!!! The Ling family who came in after I put all the tools away last night and got everything out to build the boat ended up winning the paddle championship, Their boat is named no wake zone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arrived in Cape Hatteras at the Hatteras Marlin Club at about 11:30pm. The night sky is so full of stars at this farthest point of America out in the Atlantic! Very clean air! Some tournament boats reporting early! [...]
Gunnery Sergeant Aaron M. Kenefick, United States Marine Corps
Posted by Susan Price - April 3, 2015 "Gold Star Mom of Aaron" Aaron Keneflick and Medal of Honor Dakota Meyer Aaron's tragedy is tied to two living Medal of Honor Recipients, Marine Sgt Dakota Meyer and Army Captain Will Swenson. Aaron was a “Noble Warrior,” yet first and foremost, Aaron was a child of God, and a light to the world. He knew at a young age that he wanted to serve his country, so he enlisted into the Marine delayed entry program at the beginning of his senior year of high school in 1996. In [...]
What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour!
Location: City Cemetery, 214 North Elm Street, South Bend, IN What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour featuring key citizens of South Bend's past? "Have You Been to Historic South Bend City Cemetery?" is the launch event for this new self-guided heritage tour. This event is a first-ever tour of City Cemetery with reenactors portraying persons buried within City Cemetery. Meet Vice President Schuyler Colfax, Abraham Lincoln, town co-founder Lathrop Taylor, Pharrow Powell, Col. Norman Eddy, Pvt. John Auten, Patriots Peter Roof and Isaac Ross, just to name a few. This event will take place from 1:45 to 4 p.m., and will be [...]
Jesse Minton – 2nd Amendment Advocate & Patriot
KBN See Action Reporter for We The, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team WINS the World Championships, July 2015 Italy….. WE THE KIDS Jesse Minton stood up on the 1st place podium with the American Flag wrapped around him, hands in the air and praised our God! 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze!!!! Jesse's statement on the 2nd Amendment, "Our Founding Fathers wanted us to be free. But without The Constitution there is no freedom. The United States of America was born of the dream that we could live free from tyranny. The Right to Bear Arms [...]
Easter brings the hope of New Beginnings & Healing!
Posted by Ann M. Wolf Spencer Nave, Vietnam Veteran, is a contributing poet for the upcoming video, "Vietnam - The Healing." He is also a member of Rolling Thunder, Inc., Chapter 4 TN. His segment by the way, is about THE WALL, very well done. 4/2/2015: Well, I am adding the link for the mini-doc, now that it is ready and thank you to all who are offering support and love to our Veterans and their families: "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" is every day; so thank to those who served in Nam as well as to all who have [...]
Invasion and Taxes With Greyson Peltier and Raymond Herrera
Invasion and Taxes With Greyson Peltier and Raymond Herrera Our 2 guests on FairTax Time Radio this week should ruffle a few feathers. Greyson Peltier is a member of the Board of Directors of Tea Party Youth, the home of youth action in the Tea Party movement. Greyson's background includes Internet and terrestrial radio commentaries as wel... View on Preview by Yahoo Drawing by Author David Bowman, "What Would the Founding Fathers Think?" Our 2 guests on FairTax Time Radio this week should ruffle a few feathers. Invasion and Taxes With Greyson Peltier and Raymond Herrera Greyson Peltier, [...]
I believe America is an exceptional Nation by Joshua Anderson
I believe that our nation is an exceptional nation, a nation created with ideas of freedom and that all men are created equal. I believe that our nation is an exceptional nation, a nation created with ideas of freedom and that all men are created equal. That to secure these rights the founders of our nation created a government, like non other, a government where the people rule themselves. The people choose from themselves leaders, who make laws to ensure that freedom is preserved for themselves and future generations. Our American experiment has been tested in its 237 [...]
WTK4Teens interview Author Juliette Turner (16)
WTK4Teens Kate and Gabby interviewed Juliette Turner on her new release 'Our Presidents Rock' Judy: Juliette, I want to thank you for allowing us to interview you again. I personally am very excited about your new book. I would like to introduce you to Kate and Gabby. Kate (14) and Gabby (12) are our KBN Action News reporters. Isn’t that cool? Juliette: Yes! Judy: Girls, let's get started! Kate: Thank you very much for the books you sent us. It was great to read through it. Juliette: Oh, I’m glad you liked it! Kate: Are there [...]
LT. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin interview with WTK Tyler
General Boykin: "The Constitution is the cornerstone of America. It' s our founding document. It gives us the liberties that we enjoy today and it is what defines us more than anything else." This open water swim (fixed buoy course) will honor one of America's finest. Aaron Vaughn, a member of DEVGRU (SEAL Team VI), was KIA on Aug. 6th, 2011 when a Chinook helicopter crashed in the Tangi River Valley of Afghanistan. All 30 American warriors on board lost their lives that day. This crash represented the single largest loss of life in Naval Special Warfare history. [...]
Lt Colonel Allen West Interviewed by WTK Teen
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West on The Constitution "We don’t retreat, we don’t surrender and we make a stand based upon principle." Lt. Colonel West: Well, the bottom line is that as a soldier I took an oath to the Constitution, to support and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic and to bare truth, faith and allegiance to the same. And so for me, you know, I’ve always kind of been a guardian of this Constitutional Republic. I took an oath to serve and defend this great Nation which is enshrined in those words in our Constitution. That [...]
Is There a Lion In My Kitchen? Reviewed by Tyla & Annah
Is There a Lion in My Kitchen? by Kevin Fobbs (Author), Kimberly Sponaugle (Illustrator) David's day may have started out ordinary but by the time it had ended he will have journeyed on an exciting adventure all right in his home! David was in the middle of his late morning playtime. Suddenly there was a mysterious sound coming from the kitchen. David wondered what it was. He went to see what it could be. To his amazement he could not believe his eyes! Is There a Lion in My Kitchen, he thought? Well we, like David, will just have to [...]