Amiena’s favorite history quote to WTK kids
WE THE KIDS favorite quote from Amiena to We The Kids. "My favorite quote says it all: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~John Quincy Adams~". Amiena's Bio Amiena’s love for music and variations of styles developed at a young age. Growing up in a home without television, Amiena spent most of her time listening to a wide variety of music. They all quickly became her favorites and would later foster her own soulful style of popular eclectic sounds. Her first solo performance was at the tender [...]
We Have Much To Be Thankful For By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK’s journalist
The title of the article says it all. Yes, indeed we have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us with plenty. We have clean water and clean air. Plenty of food and natural resources. America in my opinion is still a “shining city on a hill,” with tremendous opportunities for all who put forth the desire and hard work to achieve. In my opinion, Americans have the greatest purchasing power of any people in the world. I also believe many Americans are happy, although the media might portray it differently. A huge number of Americans although are not [...]
We The Kids WTKteen Erica at Greenmead Historical Park
KBN See Action News reporter Erica. Erica interviews: catalog artifact volunteer KATHY GLENN, while on vacation with her parents in Livonia, MI. More about our news-reporter Erica, IN. Hello, my name is Erica. I'm 14 years old and live in Indiana. I have a younger brother who is eleven. I have a dog, horses, rabbits, poultry and hogs. I love working and training with the animals as does my brother. We are both very active in the St. Joseph county 4-H fair. Some of my projects are: Horse and Pony, Rabbits, Poultry, Dog, and Swine. The 4-H leaders and [...]
Letter to all kids from Grandpa P.J. United States Air Force
Dear Kids, I am a grandpa and military veteran. Millions of service members fought
George Washington Papers
George Washington Papers | We The Kids
There are NOT three branches of government, but FIVE!! What?
Thursday, October 27, 2016 By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK’s journalist As I just watched our flag (YouTube video), Old Glory being raised by four men at West Point, I continue to believe that we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. As the bugler played revelry, the hair stood on the back on my neck. We Americans have a decision to make on November 8th. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the two top candidates. There are clear and distinct differences between the two. We the Kids is a very Patriotic organization. We love our Founding [...]
WE THE KIDS perform Red Skelton’s rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance. Hawaii kids!
Marc and daughter, Rachel Urbach inviting Pledge Challenge June 2022
Marc and daughter, Rachel Urbach Pledge Allegiance and US Flag Challenge We The Kids invites you and your family to partner with We The Kids and take the We The Kids pledge challenge. All entries need to be submitted before July 3rd. Send your name, State, and video to
Honoring all who serve God & Country with Love & Respect
Honoring all who serve God & Country with Love & Respect
What Memorial Day means to me as a Gold Star Mother
God Bless America and all who have fought to preserve our rights and privileges.
Bible was taken out of our schools in 1963
When the Bible was taken out of our schools in 1948 what religion replaced it?
Merrick Garland, to “Advice and Consent” or not to, that is the question.
Garland who has been called a “centrist” was appointed about three weeks ago by President Obama who said, “I have fulfilled my constitutional duty.”